Thursday, February 26, 2009

What am I doing?

Okay, what am I doing? I went shopping and was soon totally overwhelmed by all the different things and the realization I have no clue what to do with it all if I had it.

I bought a scrapbook kit, you can guess it now, there are no directions at all. I am so very hopeful that after the beginner class I am going to take that I will figure out how to do something with all this stuff. Speaking of which, I went to a place called Dollar Tree to pick up some garbage bags. Each and every item in that store is one dollar. They have a little scrapbook section.

This is some of the packages. This has very delicate almost Victorian looking embellishments. The flower shapes to the side are actually little note pads but in person are some really pretty colored paper. To the other side are some vellum like stickers with little sayings and such. Thought that some quotes or sentiments would be safe a addition to any supply stash.

There are some also pretty neat little packs of colored papers that will be great for playing with on the Cricut and Big Kick.

These are some great looking precut shapes of tags and such and some paper page sets that come with co-ordinating papers.

Some other items I picked up at the dollar store were some neat little stamp pads, note cards to decorate, and these really cool looking paper crimps. They kind of emboss the paper with the shape of a teddy bear, hearts, stars and little flowers. There are a couple of little photo albums that I decided needed to come home with me and get dressed up a bit. After all they were only a buck each. The photo doesn't show it very well, but there was these neat wire embellishments. It has some beads on it and is shaped in the word "Celebrate" and at least to a newbie to the craft looks really neat. Bet it would stitch in to a crazy quilt square perfectly. Okay, don't look at this like that. I am not actually crossing hobbies, just making a comment. However, hobbies can be crossed with a world altering catastrophe. It is done all the time.

People tat little shapes to attach to cards, stampers print out images on different mediums, you get the idea. I mean really, did Michael Angelo only paint? I think not.

Speaking of rubber stamps, I have begun my journey to become a Stampin Up demonstrator. I was all excited as Friday came and it was time for the meeting with the demonstrator that will be signing me up. I was all prepared for the cost, eagerly anticipating play with the start up kit while on the camping trip. No kit, as yet, since apparently the kit is ordered from out of town (heck, out of state) so will arrive as soon as my intro letter has been received and a new set sent out to try and curb those actions.

I am posting this while our Internet with "intermittent problems currently being worked on by technicians" is actually working. Then, off to bed for some sleep. Have to get up early in the morning to finish packing the trailer for an overnight camping trip up the mountain. Weather is forecast to be great all day on Saturday with a possibility of breaking a temperature record that has held since the early 20's. Sunday however, a different story, which means that if the storm comes in from that direction may hit there during the night. Hopefully it will come from the other direction and we have some good weather to ride in.

Will be sure to post how it all goes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The journey begins!

Hold on, here we go. I am off on another soon to be obsession. I look forward to each and every minute of it too.

Okay, hubby thought that my fabric and quilting was taking up too much room. I have now packed away all 5, yes five, sewing machines. As well as all the books and supplies.

Take my word, this is the neatest this closet has ever looked. They are still easily accessible if I should actually find the time to use them. But, I have embarked on a new journey in to a new hobby, which for me will be a new obsession. I throw myself totally into what ever the activity of the moment is. the moment that happens to be the world of scrapbooking. Along with it's friends the rubber stamp family. I am working very hard not go out and buy everything at once, and have been semi-successful.

The plan:

I wanted to learn how to dress up my weekly menu plans which also include the recipes. I have wanted to get in to this hobby for a long time. In fact, when we lived in Texas I was actually about to sign up to be a demonstrator for Creative Moments when we found out we were moving. I was too afraid of moving to a place where I knew no one and trying to hold parties so I held off. Then I found quilting through our church, they offered child care during the meetings which at the time was a huge plus, and off I went down that road. I soon found I had a passion for it, a talent for it, and it took my mind off of the problems at home. We were 1,200 miles from all of our family and my husband had been diagnosed with colon cancer.

Well, long story short, after being home with kids for over twenty years I had a midlife brain fart and sent in some resumes for job postings. I was hired by one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but am really wishing I was back home. Especially lately, I seem to be getting sick alot. So...scrapbooking, paper craft, rubber stamping, card making, which ever set of words you want to use for this hobby, here I come with both feet. I saved up some money and promptly spent it...all.

However, I did get my sewing corner converted to become my scrapbooking/stamping corner studio.

I think this is the best this area has looked since we moved in. I finally have my whole computer, printer included, all in one spot and still room to write or work. I know, I left my machine embroidery threads hanging in their holders. But hey...they are out of the way at least. That was my last big purchase which has set unused since arriving. The plastic three drawer set to the left of the desk holds all my sewing and quilting supplies. At least what was in the drawers of the desk any way. As you can see, there is a couple of things being stored under the desk. This is one huge desk though so there is still plenty of room for my feet underneath.

Inside all the drawers are now the things I would need for an office space such as pens and pencils, stapler, paper clips and such. This is where I do all my ordering, invoices, and bagging of my Avon products. This will be so much easier on me. This is where I do all my menu planning as well, so it will be very handy to have the printer so close to the computer. If you care to take a look, Ring The Dinner Bell is my cooking blog. You can see what we are eating each week from there. I try to update it each Sunday and post the weeks menu, but am running a little behind at the moment.

These are the shelves at the side of the desk. The plastic drawers at the bottom, you can't see the fourth one for the desk, all have three drawers each just the right size for paper, stickers, dies and such. Above those is the trash can, up where my little buddy Kit can't get in it, and my portable file cabinet. Then above that are my newest purchases, my Cricut and Big Kick. Had a blast playing with them last night, for about 5 minutes, cannot wait to have some time to really play with them. I found out very quickly that I did not have the correct type of paper for the Cricut, but that is completely an easy fix. Oh, next to the Big Shot is my stack of composition books that will be turned in to unpublished romance novels. Up a shelf, is a Xyron machine and little Xyron machine. I think they turn any thing in to a sticker by applying an adhesive backing. Don't look, but my stash of dark chocolate is sitting there as well. Then, two plastic boxes of stamps and inks. This will soon be expanding as with the month I will become a Stampin' Up demonstrator.

Okay, I have to go lay down for a while, then cook supper, go fight with ATT over son's phone, then back to the computer to fill out my menu plan for the week.

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave a comment.